Busch Master Control
Synergy in connection.
Make your already energy-efficient vacuum pumps even more efficient. Connect your vacuum pumps and get them working together. Whether you have PLUS or ECOTORQUE vacuum pumps, you can create one centralized vacuum system. Quickly, simply, and using your existing equipment. Make your vacuum supply into teamwork.
With a Master Control, you can control your vacuum pumps as a group. This way, you need only have as many pumps online as your process requires at that moment. Each at the right pumping speed.
All benefits at a glance
- Fast and easy to install
- Convenient to use
- Vacuum generated with the fewest possible vacuum pumps to meet demand
- Option to alternate vacuum pumps
- Lower energy consumption, meaning lower energy bills
- Decreased wear on consumables
PLUS Master Control

The PLUS Master Control takes connectivity even further by linking up to nine PLUS pumps to create a centralized vacuum solution.
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Your advantages with PLUS Master Control
Easy to install
- Ready off the shelf – no complicated re-programming necessary.
- No external hardware or interfaces. Just connect the vacuum pumps with LAN cables.
- Flexible, modular design – add and remove vacuum pumps from the system as production demands.
All information in one place
- Use the screen of just one vacuum pump to control all pumps in the system.
- The integrated touchscreen of your designated “master pump” becomes the system control panel.
IoT monitoring
- Live condition monitoring ensures that any issues with your vacuum pumps are spotted promptly.
- Your Master Control will let you know if any pumps need maintenance and will prioritize those that don’t.
ECOTORQUE Master Control

Now you can optimize the collaboration between your ECOTORQUE pumps by creating a vacuum system with the help of Master Control. The system consists of a control panel – the Master Control – and up to eight ECOTORQUE vacuum pumps connected to it via cable.
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Your advantages with ECOTORQUE Master Control
Retrofittable solution
Don’t have PLUS pumps to connect? No problem. Retrofit your existing vacuum pumps with ECOTORQUE variable speed drive (VSD) and connect them with an ECOTORQUE Master Control. Without needing to replace your existing equipment.
All information in one place
One central control panel shows each pump’s current status and allows all necessary adjustments.
IoT monitoring
Let OO keep an eye on your process. With an intelligent monitoring system, your new vacuum system can alert you – and Busch technicians – to any issues. Before they become a real problem.