Perfect Pitch Pumps
Our variable pitch screws lower gas temperatures. And your bill.
There is no real history of using variable pitch screws in vapor recovery. But now, the history begins. With a new set of rotors in our COBRA VR screw vacuum pumps developed and optimized especially for this application. In thermodynamic terms, they lead to progressive increase of pressure while the gas is carried through the pump. No major energy spike. No brutal burst of compression at the exhaust. Add to this a higher pumping speed. Plus, a reduction in heat inside the vacuum pump. Liquids, coming from condensed vapors, are pushed out easily to the exhaust, without contaminating the mechanical components. The overall outcome: higher reliability and extended service intervals. Busch variable pitch screws in vapor recovery for descending power consumption and total cost of ownership.
Conventional screw profile with high thermal load
Variable pitch screws for lower gas temperatures.