(From left to right): Collette Anema (Busch South Africa), Sphiwe Rahlaga (Mila Training), Nico Kekana (Busch South Africa), Future Chekwa (Mila Training), Sean Pieterse (General Manager Busch South Africa). Mila is a non-profit organization and offers professional training, among other areas, in early childhood development. Source: Sesego Foundation.
From Maulburg to Soweto
40 computers donated to preschools
On Heritage Day, people in South Africa wear the traditional clothing of their communities. In doing so, they commemorate the cultural heritage of the many cultures that make up their country. The picture shows participants of the training course with their certificates of completion. Source: Sesego Foundation.
Showing the names of the organizations involved: Zamile Makhathini from Busisiwe Day Care Centre. She is wearing the Zulu traditional attire. Source: Sesego Foundation.