The audience listened carefully while Dirk Budelmann, R&D Market Manager at Pfeiffer Vacuum, presented different vacuum technologies at the first Vacuum Day in Denmark.
The aim of the Vacuum Day was primarily to get in contact with researchers and to present and discuss vacuum topics that are useful in their daily work. Twenty- two vacuum users from the university took part in the event, including students, professors, lab managers and maintenance personnel.
The Vacuum Day in Copenhagen provided participants with insights into the basic technologies for vacuum generation and measurement as well as the use of our products in experimental applications. They learned, for example, how easy maintenance of the HiPace turbomolecular vacuum pump and the HiScroll vacuum pumps from Pfeiffer Vacuum is. Another important topic was the energy savings that can be achieved thanks to the new HiScroll fitting.
Busch Denmark has a long-standing partnership with the DTU. The Vacuum Day was a real team event, supported and designed by service colleagues from Busch and Pfeiffer Vacuum in cooperation with the DTU.