For many people, further development, the chance of promotion and decent pay are decisive criteria when choosing a job. Therefore, the Institute for Management and Economic Research (Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung – IMWF) has analyzed career prospects in over 15,000 German companies. The study shows which of them are especially attractive for their employees.
According to the study, Busch Vacuum Solutions and Pfeiffer Vacuum, which belongs to the Busch Group, offer particularly good career opportunities for women. Of the 14 mechanical engineering companies honored in this category, Pfeiffer Vacuum took first place with full marks, while Busch Vacuum Solutions came in third place with 83.9 out of 100 points. This demonstrates the commitment of both companies to promoting women in technical professions and ensuring equal development opportunities for both genders. The study looked at a total of 183 German companies in the plant and mechanical engineering sector.
The analyses are based on social listening* and surveys of the companies. They examine criteria such as the percentage of female employees, the proportion of female managers, possibilities for promotion for employees, and prospects for further training.
*Social listening is a method of finding out how people express themselves online about a company, a person, a product or a brand.