Ayla Busch praised those present who have accompanied and supported the development of the vacuum pump manufacturer for decades, saying, “You, our employees, are the most important part of the company. Without you, Busch would not be what it is today.”
In his speech, Kaya Busch let the audience know why the Busch jubilarians were being honored at the “Löwen” restaurant: “We are celebrating today at this location because the history of our company is connected to the backyard of this inn. At the beginning of the 20th century, our great-grandfather Karl Wittig developed his rotary compressor in the court of this building. His business was later sold. When our father was left without a family business, our parents decided to set up their own company.” he explained.
The jubilarians from 2020, 2021 and 2022 had to wait a long time for the otherwise annual celebration because of Corona. The honorary certificates from the state of Baden-Württemberg for 40 years of service to the company had already been presented to the long-serving employees last December during the company’s Christmas party.