Twelve children and young people aged nine to sixteen visited the Busch headquarters in Maulburg to learn about IT and programming. The course was led on a voluntary basis by two IT experts, Katja Senger and Annika Schöpflin, who wanted to teach the children more than just technical skills with their commitment – creativity, critical thinking, team spirit and problem-solving skills were also conveyed. It was especially important for the trainers that the girls could gain interest in the IT sector:
“We are always looking for good trainees and are always particularly pleased when young women join our IT staff. The Hacker School gives us the opportunity to get girls excited about this profession,” says Katja Senger, Information Inhouse Consultant.
At the same time, another Hacker School course took place on the premises of the Busch Group company Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Asslar. There, the company’s IT students from the dual study program taught children and young people aged 11 to 14 how to use programming languages. The volunteer trainers provided exciting tasks and projects for the young participants and encouraged them to pursue their interests as well as talents in IT.
“The young people enjoyed learning new things and were proud of their achievements. The Hacker School has not only taught them digital skills, but also gave them the opportunity to gain their first insights into an apprenticeship or dual study program in the IT field,” explains Sonja Däumer, Commercial Training Manager at Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions.
The two-day event was organized by the Hacker School, which provided laptops and equipment and took care of registrations. The Busch Group made its premises available for use and provided catering for the participants.
This is the second time that Hacker School courses have been organized by the Busch Group companies. In providing this opportunity, the Busch Group has once again demonstrated its social responsibility.

The young IT talents and their two trainers. Source: Busch Group.