Marcos Pola in the garden of Busch Brazil. Source: Busch Brazil.
Appreciated Team Member
My home country Brazil is known for its famous Carnival. The colorful costumes, the good vibes and the diversity on the streets give the impression that especially here sexual orientation can be lived freely. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Despite appearances, Brazil is a very conservative country, where it can happen that homosexuals are deliberately murdered on the street.
I have been affected by this contrast all my life. Finding my own way has been a long and difficult process. The profession and the work environment play an essential role in this. Not only by providing financial resources, but also a sense of purpose. Since my first day at Busch, I have felt like I am part of a big family. Here I can be who I am. I am appreciated and respected as a person and a colleague. Only at Busch do I feel truly free in my professional life. I would like to thank my colleagues for not reducing me to my homosexuality but treating me as a team member and good friend.
Unfortunately, the reality for many homosexuals in Brazil looks different. Especially in the job market, many clichés and prejudices persist. Women and homosexuals have to work even harder to prove themselves valuable to the company. I myself know what that feels like, having worked in an unfriendly and abusive environment at other companies. The external pressure is often so high that people hide out of fear of revealing their true sexual personality. The common expression for coming out in Brazil, “coming out of the closet”, illustrates the scope and consequences of this decision. But let me tell any doubters: Time is our best friend. Many things are changing and improving right now. And Busch is a trailblazer.
When I look back at the choices I made and the path I took, I feel free and complete. I can be myself now. I am very grateful for that. At Busch, a gateway to a wonderful world has opened up for me. A world where I can grow every day without hiding in a closet.