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At Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Annecy, France, crêpes were baked to raise money for a self-help association. Source: Busch Group.

Wear It Pink

During International Breast Cancer Month, Busch Group employees from different countries organized campaign days to raise awareness of the disease and the importance of early detection. Donations were collected for organizations that aim to combat this form of cancer.

Breast cancer predominantly affects women, but men account for 1% of diagnoses. If detected early and treated correctly, this cancer is often curable. The fact that the number of deaths has been declining for decades is also due to the increased attention that the disease has received since the 90s. In many countries, this has led to women being encouraged to attend regular screening appointments so that the illness can be detected and treated at an early stage.

Breast cancer prevention is attracting attention through events such as Pink Ribbon Day. This year, Busch Group employees from various countries have taken the initiative and organized days of action. The color pink was predominant, as a pink ribbon has been a symbol of solidarity with people suffering from breast cancer since 1992.

The Pfeiffer France team in Annecy organized an internal conference where an oncologist and cancer research expert gave a speech. Additionally, volunteers baked and sold crêpes to raise money for the fight against the disease. This brought in 1,500 Euro, which was donated to Les Drôles de Rames. This is an association of women suffering from breast cancer that aims to combat the disease by dragon boating on Lake Annecy: Regular physical activity can reduce the side effects of breast cancer treatment and lower the risk of relapse by 20 to 30%. In addition, a historic tower in Annecy was lit up in pink for a whole month.
Employees from Busch Manufacturing UK organized an afternoon tea to raise funds. They mostly brought home-baked cakes – so many that they still had some left three days after the event. At the afternoon tea, each employee donated at least 5 Pounds towards cake and drinks. This raised 292 Pounds (350 Euro) for the Breast Cancer Now organization, which is committed to breast cancer research and support for those affected.

“We are more determined than ever to reach our goal that by 2050, everyone diagnosed with breast cancer will live and be supported to live well. We know that with your help, we will get there. So, on behalf of Breast Cancer Now and the Wear It Pink team, we want to say a huge thank you,” reads the letter of thanks from Breast Cancer Now.
At Busch Brazil, a Wear It Pink Day was organized to encourage employees to schedule and attend screening appointments. Gifts were given to those who recently had check-ups or made doctors’ appointments, including one man.
Busch Mexico hosted an internal conference where the Red Cross provided valuable information on early detection of breast cancer to employees. The entire team was invited to wear pink clothes. There were pink cupcakes and cards explaining how to do a self-examination.
Busch Norway organized an internal event where the employees dressed in pink. In a quiz, they answered questions about breast cancer, Pink Ribbon Day and breast cancer research. The top three employees were awarded prizes from a retail chain, with the proceeds going to the Norwegian Breast Cancer Association.

Through their commitment, Busch Group employees have not only highlighted the importance of timely prevention in their teams but have also proactively supported those affected.