WirtschaftsWoche awards Busch the title of World Market Leader 2020 for its vacuum pumps and systems in the food industry. Source: Busch Vacuum Solutions.
Busch Vacuum Solutions Honored as World Market Leader 2020
Germany's WirtschaftsWoche magazine has awarded Busch Vacuum Solutions the title of World Market Leader 2020.
Germany's leading business magazine, together with the University of St. Gallen, awards the prize to companies that stand out in their industry by creating trend-setting technologies, as well as innovative products and services. Busch received the title of World Market Leader for its strong position as a manufacturer of vacuum pumps and systems for the food industry.
The coveted rankings of top companies are assigned according to a strict procedure developed by the University of St. Gallen. It requires not only that the annual turnover of the listed companies be at least 50 million Euros, but half of it must also be achieved abroad on at least three continents.
Busch Vacuum Solutions is an international group of companies with 3,500 employees and a total of 63 companies in 43 countries worldwide.
The company therefore meets the strict criteria for being selected as World Market Leader. The international expansion of the Busch group began as early as 1971 with the founding of a sales company in the UK. The first production plant to be set up outside Germany was opened in 1979 in the USA. Today, in addition to its main plant in Maulburg on the southern border of Germany and the plant in the USA, Busch also operates its own production plants in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and Korea.
Busch Vacuum Solutions was founded in 1963 by Dr.-Ing. Karl Busch and his wife, Ayhan Busch, and built up together with their three children Ayla, Sami and Kaya. To this day, the management of the company is entirely in the hands of the Busch family.
Karl Busch developed the HUCKEPACK, which was the first vacuum pump used for packaging foodstuffs. With the follow-up product, the R5 rotary vane vacuum pump, he revolutionized food packaging. Busch has now been awarded the title of World Market Leader 2020 by WirtschaftsWoche in the field of food packaging – the segment with which everything began more than 50 years ago.
The comprehensive product portfolio of Busch currently comprises solutions for vacuum and overpressure applications in all branches of industry, including chemical, semiconductor, medical technology and plastics – and, of course, the food industry.